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So, You Want a Great Dane?


Great Danes are a wonderful breed- the best if you ask us! But, owning any pet is a huge responsibility and comes with a lot of commitment. It is important to us when we are screening potential homes for our puppies that it had been a well thought out decision. Acting on impulse when the well-being of a living animal is on the line is never a good idea. Dane ownership is rewarding and the amount of love and joy these animals have brought to our home and family is surpassed by none. 

Danes Drool. Some more than others. 

Danes Shed. Just because they are shorthair does not mean you won't need to vacuum regularly!
Danes are big. You'd be amazed how many people come looking for the biggest puppy in the litter, and then are surprised by what living with a 150lb dog is actually like. There IS wear and tear. While we love the laid-back, easy-going nature of this breed, our floors are scratched, our couches sag, and it's just because they're BIG. 
Danes are INSIDE DOGS. Some breeds fare decently being outside quite a bit. Danes are not one of these breeds. They thrive on human compaionship and are not well-equipped to handle extreme weather. If you're not prepared to have a giant INSIDE dog, please don't get a Great Dane. 
Danes are prone to separation anxiety. Their love and dependency on their humans makes them wonderful companions but it also means if they don't get enough of that companionship and attention you will have a giant anxiety case on your hands. 

Danes are expensive. Though their appetites taper down to that of a regular large breed by age 2 most of the time, their "stuff" is always going to be more expensive. Giant collars, giant toys, giant vet bills. Many services are charged by size/ weight. Grooming. Boarding. Medical costs. It all adds up. Bringing a Dane into your home is a financial commitment, so please think it though. 

Danes need training and socialization early. It's not long before your 20-25lb floppy Dane puppy will be a 50lb rough-and-tumble puppy, and quickly a 100lb puppy before becoming a 120-150lb adult. It happens in the blink of the eye. It's best to get a Dane puppy at a point that you can really dedicate sime time to basic training right from the get-go. Behavors like jumping, pulling and leaning quickly turn from minor annoyances to dangerous habits as your giant pup grows. 


If you're prepared for the financial and time commitment of a Great Dane puppy, we promise they're worth the effort! In fact, we can't imagine life without a handful of Danes lounging around our home. They fit our lifestle like a glove and therefore coexisting with our pack of Danes is very easy and quite enjoyable for us.
However, if you're looking for a backyard dog please continue your search. 


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